HiPERiSM's Partners 

HiPERiSM - High Performance Algorism Consulting


HiPERiSM Consulting, LLC, is pleased to have teamed with the following partners to bring the world of High Performance Computing (HPC) to individual scientific and engineering programmers.

wpe57.jpg (7268 bytes) Cleanscape Software International developers of advanced source code analysis and validation tools for Fortran, Fortran+OpenMP, and C language code.


Intel Americas, Inc. parallelizing compilers and technology leader. Read how products from Intel contribute to the optimization process.

In September of 2003, Intel acquired Pallas GmbH the developer of the Vampir MPI product. The Pallas development team is now a part of Intel and the Vampir product has been renamed Intel Trace Collector (formerly Vampirtrace) and Intel Trace Analyzer (formerly Vampir) both of which are Intel trademarks. HiPERiSM continues to offer these tools in High Performance Computing for developing, tuning, and maintaining parallel applications under various name changes for products.

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(919) 806-2813 (Facsimile)