Curriculum Vitae - George Delic, email:
- Developed and implemented budget, staffing, equipment plan for a Computational Science Services (CSS) group at EPA/National Data Processing Division (NDPD) Bay City supercomputer center (NESC). (NDPD is now known as Enterprise Technology Services Division).
- Led CSS to ``superior'' (highest) rating on EPA/NDPD contract award for three successive trimesters while manager of the group.
- Proposed, planned, and organized plenary session of six EPA research papers at international world congress (IMACS, Atlanta, GA, 1994).
- Led team twice and participated once as team member to win Martin Marietta/Lockheed-Martin Technical Services, Inc., President's awards for organization of three separate annual workshops.
- Planned/organized a Computational Science workshop at the NESC bringing together EPA modelers, contractors and professionals to discuss surface water quality modeling issues: Watershed, Estuarine and Large Lakes Modeling (WELLM) in 1994. Edited electronic form of proceedings for U.S. EPA world wide web server.
- Planned/organized a Computational Science workshop at the NESC bringing together EPA modelers, contractors and professionals to discuss subsurface water quality modeling issues: Next Generation Environmental Models Computational Methods (NGEMCOM) in 1995. Rated as 3.7 on a scale of 1-4 by participants.
- Solicited publication contract from Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, for NGEMCOM workshop technical proceedings; collected, edited, prepared copy, and proofed 37 contributions for 375 page proceedings (January 1997, publication date). Appraisal by 17 contibutors gave editor following ratings (scale: 1-7): Technical expertise (6.6); Commitment to technical quality (6.9); Communication skill (6.9), Cooperation and helpfulness (7), Willingness to work with me again (6.9).
- Proactive outreach efforts attracted four new projects from major U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development laboratory (NHEERL/WED) at Corvallis, OR, with resource request amounting to 16% of FY98 total EPA-wide request.
- Conducted world-wide survey of HPC centers via the Web and identified 18 links in areas of relevance to the NESC staff for internal Web server pages.
- Conceived, researched, and developed NESC citation index of publications by EPA and contractor customers facilitated by the NESC resources. (
- Applied Fortran 90 skills in development of HTML Web based learning tool ``Learning Fortran 90 language by Example'' with Cray f90 and NAG FTN90 PC compilation of 300+ Fortran 90 example codes and used learning tool in customer training classes.
- In modeling support invented unique metrics of Cray NQS service level for job through-put on EPA Supercomputer resource using queuing theory and statistical models and reported results at SIAM meeting.
- Evaluated capacity, performance, workload data on Cray upgrades for EPA/NDPD (e.g., design difference in Y-MP/C-90 workload results) to support short/long range planning.
- Consulted with scientific users/center staff on vectorization, parallelization, preprocessing tools utilization to optimize code/performance; conducted on-site training for U.S. EPA customer on use of Cray Y-MP platforms
- Ported and optimized code on Cray C90 and PVP systems; achieved performance gains by factors in the range x2 to x50.
- Identified algorithm for NESC U.S. EPA customer and ported it to the Cray C90 to give CPU speed-up in the range x608 to x2800 for small and large data set, respectively, and prepared a paper describing the project with user as co-author.
- Measured Cray X/Y-MP performance metrics for floating point computation, integer logical, vector vs scalar mode, memory activity/conflicts resource utilization (i.e., registers, functional units) reported findings at SIAM meetings and NSF supercomputer centers.
- Performed statistical analysis of Cray X-MP and Y-MP workload performance data using the SAS system and published results on performance metrics for supercomputers in international peer-reviewed journals.
- Led 6-person team in design/development of innovative performance measurement tool software for Cray UNICOS applications; developed software to provide performance reports of FORTRAN 77 and C code.
- Initiated/established innovative resource allocation policy to promote effective utilization of supercomputer technology by users. Linked resource allocation/code performance metrics to identify code for optimization. Policy assigned allocation to users achieving optimum performance metrics to encourage code optimization; policy adopted by national supercomputer centers.
- Developed handbook/conducted 3-day course on optimization of FORTRAN 77 code/measuring performance at EPA, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA, Illinois), and the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC).
- Initiated/coordinated Supercomputer Colloquia Series, hosting lectures by supercomputer applications experts in scientific fields at OSC.
- Developed and wrote code for state-of-the-art numerical algorithms for integration in multiple dimensions and multiparameter optimization.
- Conceived/applied innovative numerical analysis teaching methodology, wrote 350-page course notes including exercises integrated into MathCAD numerical modeling software. Methodology adopted by Mechanical Engineering Dept at Ohio State University (OSU).
- Initiated high performance computing course, which was adopted by Computer and Information Science Department at OSU. Defined concept, need/rationale, established goals/objectives, supported subcommittee on developing syllabus.
- Voting member of Senate Advisory Committee on Computing at Univ. of the Witwatersand.